During 2020 the orphanage has faced unprecedented challenges. Many of the donors were not able to continue their support for the operation (food, personal, etc.) of the orphanage. Therefore, we have stepped in and funded some of the operations during 2020. Specifically, we funded several months of food and personnel as well as the ongoing support of the children’s teacher who assists the children with their English and other homework in the orphanage. 2020 was also the first year where ToHelp Germany contributed significantly. We now are able to receive a donation through the UK, Switzerland, and Germany ToHelp organizations.
There are two projects that are still on our radar. First is funding the construction or upgrade of a school building in a nearby school. This will directly benefit the children from the orphanage as 68 of these children attend the school alongside children from the local neighborhood. The second is to continue on the elderly home on the land opposite the orphanage that we already bought for this purpose.
So far we have received donation for 71 days
21 day
34 day
10 days
294 days still available.